Friday, July 15, 2005
Defending the indefensible
I do not understand whatz wrong with these Muslim intellectuals in that they cannot accept the fact that Islamic terrorism is a reality. Even the more liberal among them try to make a fool of themselves by questioning Blair menntioning that the London bombings were handiwork of Muslims on the day of the bombing itself, and now questioning the credentials of the Ayodhya attackers! As the London police chief said today, itz time Muslims come out of self-denial mode.....which also means stop trying to defend the indefensible.
Each work has to pass through these stages - ridicule, opposition and then acceptance.
-Swami Vivekananda
I do not understand whatz wrong with these Muslim intellectuals in that they cannot accept the fact that Islamic terrorism is a reality. Even the more liberal among them try to make a fool of themselves by questioning Blair menntioning that the London bombings were handiwork of Muslims on the day of the bombing itself, and now questioning the credentials of the Ayodhya attackers! As the London police chief said today, itz time Muslims come out of self-denial mode.....which also means stop trying to defend the indefensible.
Each work has to pass through these stages - ridicule, opposition and then acceptance.
-Swami Vivekananda
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