Saturday, October 11, 2003

Granny Flats:

I used to alwayz consider a lot of home-owners in B'lore as greedy because they converted their houses into multiple apts - something like converting a 2BHK into two single bedroom houses - that would make it 2 congested dinghy-type houses. This became all the more common in areas like BTM, K'mangala where there was sudden housing boom (no small contribution from Infy!) and almost every bloody house got converted into 2/3 houses.
Now, the same phenomenon is happening - although in a much more decent and organised way (as all American thingz are) - in US also! In areas like Chicago, San Francisco, etc, ppl r converting their garages (I must mention here that garages here r generally quite big - typically capable of housing 2 or more cars, fitness equipments, etc) into small but fully equipped apts - what r called here as Granny Flats! I would guess that this is a recipe for disaster as far as city management is considered. Ppl will start parking their cars on the road, and because of extra occupation, more cars will ocupy the same area....architectural aethetics will go for a toss (although I'm sure Americans will do a better job than B'loreans!), ppl will slowly become more greedy lured by this idle income - I wud say this is the worst thing that has happened to ppl of B'lore in the last 7-8 yrs :-((

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